NOTE: The images are screenshots. Subscriptions are required to search the Picture Book Database.
Finding Books by Date
To search for books published in a particular year, enter the same date in both fields.
To search for books published in a range of years, enter a beginning and ending date.

Finding Award Winners
- In the subject field, type the name of the award.
- In the date field, enter a range of dates (NOTE: The publication date may be different than the award date).
- If you are looking for winners from a particular year, enter the same date in both fields.

Search Using Reading Metrics
The Picture Book Database tracks Lexile and Accelerated Reader (AR) scores. We offer three search options:
Because we only track picture books, the reading scores fall within a specific range. Read more about we apply reading metrics.
Search Tips for Reading Metrics
- Not all books are assigned Accelerated Reader and Lexile scores
- Do not combine Accelerated Reader and Lexile searches because it will skew results.
- We removed the letter "L" often found at the end of a Lexile numeric measure because it simply stands for "Lexile" and is not relevant to the score.
- When Lexile scores a book, it always assigns a Lexile measure, but it may not assign a Lexile code. The Picture Book Database treats both a Lexile score of AD100L and 100L as 100. The difference is that Lexile has used the AD to indicate that some titles are Adult Directed "because they are usually read to a child, rather than a child reading them independently."